4 popular mobile apps for managing your personal expenses Many entrepreneurs need to find ways to more easily manage their expenses, especially when balancing a new startup with daily life. This is... Ahmed Gabr • 26 May, 2013 Financial management Mobile
Weekly Wrap-Up: May 19-23 This week, we hosted the Lean Startup workshop by Calvin Chin at our offices in Beirut. Chin started by giving a brief overview of the Lean... Wamda • 23 May, 2013 Weekly Wrap-Up
10 ways to be a lifelong learner and make it count at your job “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write; but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn,” said wri... Lama Ataya • 23 May, 2013 E-Learning Tips Mentorship
Tunisia's MobiSpot serves up video advertising to users without smartphones It's clear that the Arab World is hungry for video content. In 2012, the Middle East and North Africa had the second largest number of... Aline Mayard • 23 May, 2013 Digital Advertising Advertising Mobile
Dubai's entrepreneurs reflect on MAKE Business Hub's acquisition by CeeCee Holding From its inception, MAKE Business Hub has been a co-working space built for startups. With artfully curved seating, electrical jacks next... Nina Curley • 23 May, 2013 MAKE Business Hub Coworking Spaces Acquisitions
A chat with HungerStation, an online delivery platform for Saudi Arabia [Wamda TV] Fast food market sales in Saudi Arabia are expected to grow to $4.5 billion by 2015. Although Saudi youth are increasingly inclined to make... Ahmed Al Majid • 23 May, 2013 Delivery Mobile
4 Startups that make event management easier in the Levant Organizing an event is never easy. How do you make sure that enough people attend, or that they'll pay? Small businesses or individuals... Aline Mayard • 22 May, 2013 E-commerce
These three startups failed in Jordan and they're proud of it. Here are their 5 honest tips. [Editor's note: "Building a culture around failure is the only way to build a healthy ecosystem," a seasoned startup veteran told me... Ola Doudin • 22 May, 2013 Failure
PayPal announces launch in Egypt Today, global payment gateway PayPal is announcing its launch in Egypt, where it has enabled services for consumers. Enabling consumer... Nina Curley • 22 May, 2013 PayPal Payment Gateways
Lebanese entrepreneur named one of the five most powerful women in gaming Last week, Lebanese entrepreneur Reine Abbas of Wixel Studios was named one of the five most powerful women in gaming by Inc.com. Abbas... Glen Dalakian II • 21 May, 2013 Mobile Gaming Gaming Women
What does Yahoo!'s acquisition of Tumblr mean for users? Yesterday, Yahoo! Inc. announced their $1.1 billion acquisition of microblogging platform Tumblr. Although the six-year-old... Aline Mayard • 21 May, 2013 Social Media Acquisitions
The Mini Entrepreneur becomes a WamdaCard member Curious about how WamdaCard can help your startup? In this episode, the Mini Entrepreneur learns about WamdaCard's offers, applies for the... Wamda • 21 May, 2013 WamdaCard
Why every child in the Middle East should be taught to code Coauthored by Carine Abi Akar and Nafez Dakkak. Ever since the successful launch of Facebook in 2004, and perhaps as early as the first... Nafez Dakkak • 21 May, 2013 Coding EdTech Education
Egyptian-American Enterprise Fund launches to support Egyptian startups Despite the political instability wracking Egypt today, startups have a new source of potential support. But will they take funding from... Hanan Solayman • 21 May, 2013 Government Investment
Riding the Real Estate Cycle: Building Capabilities for a Sustainable Future [Report] This report, published by Strategy&, explains the Arab world’s property market bust that exposed deep structural problems... Wamda • 20 May, 2013 Real Estate
Who's winning the classifieds market in Morocco? "We’ve never seen competition like this in Morocco." These are the first words MarocAnnonces founder Tajdine Filali said when asked about t... Aline Mayard • 20 May, 2013 classified E-commerce