Activity-tracking app wins at Startup Weekend Doha as women attend in record numbers

An activity monitoring mobile application, created by a team that
included two high school students, won first prize in the Startup
Weekend Doha competition yesterday.
Called Raqam, the app lets users track the frequency of any
activity imaginable – from drinking juice to reading a novel. The
app creates charts so the user can determine whether their activity
follows a particular trend. For instance, users can see whether
they tend to spend more money at the beginning or end of the month,
or whether their exercise routine peters off at specific points
during the week.
The app offers the “power to quantify every aspect of your life,”
said Mufeed Ahmed, 28, who presented the product to judges. The
team also included Fawaz Mohamed, 28, and two 16-year-olds from the
Qatar Academy high school, Salman Al Sulaiti and Abdullatif Al
Ahmed, Kuwari and Sulaiti participated in the event last year and
came in second for their product Doha Links, an infotainment system
they had hoped to install in the country’s taxis. They said their
original idea did not take off because, a government-owned
advertising company, wanted to charge the team high commission fees
from any ad revenues they earned.
However, Sualiti said he thinks their new product will succeed
because it does not rely on sponsors or partnerships for revenue.
“The only reason we won is because our focus was on the users, not
the advertisers,” he said. The team plans to make a profit by
selling a premium version of the app.
Sulaiti, who thought up the idea, said he hopes more high school
students will be inspired to become entrepreneurs instead of
waiting until they‘re older.
“There should be more people doing this because it’s not that
hard,” he said. “At this age we have the chance to try as much
things as possible and gain as much experience as we can.
Experience is the most important thing.”
Spidy, a social networking app for gamers, won second place.
Created by Latifa Al-Naimi, 21, Hatem Salah, 24, and Yasmin
Halwani, 22, the app is part Facebook and EBay, but “minus the
chatting.” Gamers can socialize, organize tournaments and sell and
trade videogames and consoles through the app.
Third place went to IDIDI, a website where newbie entrepreneurs can
connect and obtain services, such as logo creation, for free from
one another, just as long as they promise to return the favor in
the future.
All three winning teams received a variety of awards, including
iPads, Sony Tablets and certificates for startup consultation and
incubation services.
Ruba Hachim, a competition judge and the Qatar country-marketing
manager for Microsoft, said all six of the competing teams had
great ideas but they need to work on their presentation skills.
“All needed to track their time better. We were generous in the
Q&A because some of them didn’t even have a chance to explain
their revenue model in the presentation,” she said. “The financial
model is the most important but many of the teams left it to the
very end and didn’t even have time to get to it.”
One of the strengths among this population, however, was its female
contingent; although last year’s Startup Weekend Doha - the first -
drew only one woman, this year about 30 percent of the 40
contestants were women, most likely helped by the event's new
location at the women’s campus of the Community College of
Second-place winners Al-Naimi and Halwani said that the best way to
get more women into entrepreneurial roles is to encourage science
and math education early on. Their all-girls’ high school was one
of the few in Qatar to offer classes on robotics and technology,
they explained. Having won first-place in the local round of
Microsoft’s Imagine Cup in the past, the two women hope to see more
female peers enter the tech startup space in Qatar.