
Samir & Claude Abillama Eco-Entrepreneurship Award

The Samir & Claude Abillama Eco-entrepreneurship Award is a $20,000 sum award launched by The American University in Lebanon and will be awarded to an individual or team for their winning eco-entrepreneurship idea (product, process, service or system). Submission to the event started on July 21st and will end on December 30th 2014.

The award promotes the green entrepreneurial model and raises awareness on biodiversity issues. It aims at creating job opportunities in Lebanon, through supporting young entrepreneurs who draw on its natural resources.

Applicants may work alone, or with a team of 2 to 5, as long as the team leader is an AUB student or alumnus, under 35. Projects must comply with eco-entrepreneurship indicators and have a local impact on Lebanon.

The selection process includes the submission of a concept note followed by a crash course, interviews, and the submission of a Full Proposal. The Award winner is announced during the annual Eco-entrepreneurship Award Ceremony on June 9, 2015.

For applying you can fill the submission form here.

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