
Testing Ideas and Building an Ecosystem in Palestine: Yousef Ghandour of Anabasalli [Wamda TV]

At the Amman Tech Tuesday anniversary event a couple of months ago, Yousef Ghandour of online Islam-based online community Anabasalli chats with Wamda about the lessons he learned watching a few ideas fail early, and the difficulties of finding startup capital in Palestine. 

When it comes to what needs to change in the ecosystem, "exposure to technologies, openness and trust," need to improve, says Ghandour. In the Peeks community (initially named for "Palestinian Geeks"), "we're trying to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship," he says. "We're trying to build this community all together, to help each other reach the point where the ecosystem is more mature." 

This may involve hosting a regular talk series like Amman Tech Tuesdays in Palestine. For now, says Ghandour, it's important that entrepreneurs not get distracted by their surroundings. "Try to focus on one thing," he says. "Get it right, get it out there, and I think it will be amazing."

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