
Sneak Peek of Upcoming Restaurant Discount Site RoundMenu


Sneak Peek of Upcoming Restaurant Discount Site RoundMenu

We received word today that a new site has soft launched to offer discounts exclusively for restaurants in Dubai: RoundMenu.

As daily deals sites crop up all over the region, the site is carving out a niche in the non-daily deals discount space, by offering discounts not limited by a given timeframe. It might, as its video currently explains, encourage customers to choose a certain date for their meal, offering the option of selecting their restaurant available over a mobile platform, which will be useful for on-the-go decisions.

Like Swaphood, which was created by Zaid Jawad, the site has a sleek interface, with FourSquare, GoogleMaps, TripAdvisor, and Facebook plugins that make giving feedback simple and social. 

Check out the site and tuned for more on the platform after its official launch.

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